* Krave Now's operations continue but delivery times may be longer than usual.

Last updated on May 13, 2020.

If I place an order? Will Krave Now deliver the package?

Yes, Krave Now's activities are currently continuing. However, delivery times may be longer than usual and our selection of items available may be temporarily reduced.

Our teams are working to ensure availability of these products and continue to bring on additional capacity to deliver customer orders. We are continuing to deliver all available selection in our inventory.

Is it safe to receive orders?

For guidance on Coronavirus, please refer to the World Health Organization website.

What is Krave Now doing to keep its customers and employees safe?

We are closely monitoring the impact of COVID-19. In addition to the thousands who are affected by the illness, thousands more are indirectly dealing with changes in their work, school, and community environments. Learn more about what we're doing to ensure the safety and support of our customers, communities, and employees during this difficult time.

Is it possible to reduce contact with drivers when they deliver my orders?

Yes. Krave Now's delivery partners have been advised to reduce contact with customers by placing packages at the customer's doorstep and stepping back.

You can also choose a safe location where the driver can leave your package if you are not able to answer the door. To provide delivery instructions, please do so in order instructions when checking out


CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/prevention.html


WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019